Saturday 3 December 2016

The Century-Long Battle to Disprove the Myth That All Women Want Children

The concept of maternal instinct had figured prominently in scientific theories since the time of Charles Darwin. Late 19th-century psychologists believed women possessed a unique need to create and care for offspring. In the late 1800s, experts attempted to use biology to shore up this theory, positing that maternal instinct was located in the female reproductive organs.
Hollingworth wasn't buying it. "There is no verifiable evidence to show that a maternal instinct exists in women of such all-consuming strength and fervor as to impel them voluntarily to seek the pain, danger, and exacting labor involved in maintaining a high birth rate. We should expect, therefore, that those in control of society would invent and employ devices for impelling women to maintain [the] birth rate."
She believed the circulation of the myth was itself one of these devices. Other ways society pressured women into having more children included the promotion of the idea that only abnormal women don't want babies; stigmatization of interests other than the maternal as dangerous, melancholy, or degrading; female sterility as grounds for divorce; limited education opportunities for women; and the widespread depiction of the "sacredness and charm of motherhood" in art, literature, and music.
Additionally, contraception was illegal and considered obscene, and dissemination of any family planning information was outlawed. Hollingworth was writing in the same year that Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the US, which police immediately shut down.

Friday 18 November 2016

Jennifer Aniston Refuses to "Be Whittled Down to a Sad, Childless Human"

Aniston explains why she raised her voice in Marie Claire's December 2016 issue (on stands Nov. 15). "My marital status has been shamed; my divorce status was shamed; my lack of a mate had been shamed; my nipples have been shamed," she says. "It's like, 'Why are we only looking at women through this particular lens of picking us apart? Why are we listening to it?'"
After three decades in showbiz, she'd finally had enough. "I just thought, 'I have worked too hard in this life and this career to be whittled down to a sad, childless human,'" Aniston said. 

Saturday 3 September 2016

Poll finds that while parents worry about bullying and unhappiness, they are more concerned about their child’s performance

"There is an instinct as a parent to want to make a comparison, both in what is expected for a child of that age and as compared to other kids in the class. But there’s so much pressure now, it feels, around educational performance and how best to help our children succeed, and that’s getting harder as exams are getting more difficult."

Thursday 11 August 2016

How the Childfree Decide

When researchers explore why people do not have children, they find that the reasons are strikingly similar to reasons why people do have children. For example, “motivation to develop or maintain meaningful relationships” is a reason that some people have children — and a reason that others do not. Scholars are less certain on how people come to the decision to to be childfree. In their new article, Blackstone and Stewart find that, as is often the case with media portrayals of contemporary families, descriptions of how people come to the decision to be childfree have been oversimplified. People who are childfree put a significant amount of thought into the formation of their families, as they report.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Sonia Bragra Childfree choice

Aos 66 anos e retomando a paixão pela atuação, a atriz Sonia Braga falou à revista "Elle" de agosto sobre cinema, trabalho e a decisão de não ser mãe, com a qual ela precisa lidar até hoje.
"Há mulheres que, se não tiverem um filho, enlouquecem. Nunca senti essa necessidade", conta.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Childfree women like me aren't tragic figures

Aniston didn’t mention in her essay some of the highlights of not being a mother. She might have said that being baby-free means a lot more disposable income, or how child-free women have more freedom to travel, to further their educations, or to merely go to bed really bloody early after a terrible day and emerge reborn at 7am. Child-free women can keep a beautiful, clutter-free home far easier. They can invest in foreign property instead. They have more time for a locked-on relationship with a lot of sex, plus time to pencil numerous projects and hare-brained schemes into the diary. They have time to be “the glue” in their extended family plans for Christmas and birthdays. They are good aunts, stepmothers and godmothers, as well as having half an eye on taking on their friends’ kids if the very worst happened.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Jennifer Aniston Is Not Pregnant. Why Do We Care?

The obsession over women and their pregnancies goes far beyond Ms. Aniston: It is ingrained in our culture to “police and survey” women’s bodies, especially pregnant ones, said Amanda Rossie, who researches Women’s and Gender Studies at The College of New Jersey.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Why is the happily childless woman seen as the unicorn of society?
Being a parent isn’t always a walk in the park, according to the World Happiness Database unveiled in Rotterdam this week. In fact, it could be bad for your mental health: one of the activities which sends happiness levels plummeting, according to the research, is having a child (although, it hastens to add, your happiness increases when they grow up and leave home - which hardly seems a glowing recommendation for having them in the first place). Meanwhile, it was reported by the BBC that China has just passed what it is euphemistically calling the "Elderly Rights Law", a piece of legislation that makes it compulsory for adult children to visit their parents in a country with a rapidly ageing (and lonely) population. In other words, you sacrifice happiness to parenthood in the prime of your life, enjoy a brief but halcyon retirement, then are abandoned in your twilight years to the extent that the government has to force your children to pop in for a cup of tea. No wonder we’re all procreating less.
But the fact remains that the "childless by choice" - or, as some prefer it, "child-free" - are still looked upon as dangerous oddities, possibly with some sort of social disease. Even worse is the female half of the dreaded "childless by choice" couple, all settled down with someone they love in a perfectly good home with a spare bedroom that could be easily transformed into a nursery and just downright refusing to warm up a bun in her oven. "Tick tock", publications aimed at thirtysomething women sing-song, as you scour the magazine rack for something that doesn’t make you want to throw up, move countries, cry, or all of the above. "Your ovaries are getting old! Your eggs won’t last forever! You’ll change your mind in a few short years - and where will you be then?"

Who will tap the power of childless householders?

Choosing not to have children is part of a wider trend to smaller family size. Having a single child was once rare, usually the result of physical or marital problems, and thought to be bad for the child. Now it is unremarkable. The decision not to have children, even for couples in stable long-term relationships, is following suit.
Fertility rates are falling across the OECD, for a variety of cross-pollinating personal, social and political factors. In Italy, Spain and Portugal, where Catholicism once encouraged procreation and forbade contraception, and in tradition-bound Japan, the rate has dropped towards 1.3 live births per woman, well below the 2.1 required to maintain a steady population.

The Childless Millennial

"The authors also found stark differences when they parsed the data by race. For Hispanic and black women, the majority of the fertility decline was explained by falling birth rates among unmarried women. That's generally considered a good thing, because while most single mothers do an admirable job, they are also more likely to be poor, stressed-out, and feel regretful. If more women are waiting until marriage to have kids, they might have an easier time of parenting."

Embauche-t-on les femmes quand ça va mal ?

Le monde pulished an intersting report suggesting that women face better risks but that once the crisis are gone they are replaced by male counterparts! 

"Une des études les plus régulièrement citées est celle de deux chercheurs britanniques, Michelle Ryan and Alexander Haslam, à l’origine du concept de « glass cliff », la falaise de verre, qui serait la contrepartie de l’ascension des femmes dans la pyramide des responsabilités. En d’autres termes, briser le plafond de verre (« glass ceiling »), ces freins invisibles à la promotion des femmes dans les structures hiérarchiques, irait de pair avec une prise de risque proportionnellement plus grande pour les femmes que pour les hommes."

Pope Francis: not having children is selfish

 If religious beliefs are to be taken seriously as a guideline for partenhood, so everyone has the choice to adopt. There are an absurd number of abandonned children, so every adult people that is not childfree by choice  may be indeed selfish if does not adopt a child, at least.

“The joy of children makes their parents hearts throb and reopens the future,” he said. “Children are not a problem of reproductive biology, or one of many ways to realize oneself in life. Let alone their parent’s possession. Children are a gift. Do you understand? Children are a gift,” he added.

Andy Murray credits fatherhood for his Wimbledon victory. Andrea Leadsom claimed being a mother would make her a better PM. But is raising a child really the key to self-improvement? Here five writers explain how it changed them

How did being a mum or dad change you?
Is parentoohod a powerful source to build identity and walls? Gary Younge thinks that being a father is more important than race and nationality - Gary Younge: ‘Being a parent doesn’t necessarily make you a better person – Rose West was a mother’

 "I actually quite like that. If I’m going to be defined by something, I’d rather it was that than my job, race or nationality."