Thursday 11 August 2016

How the Childfree Decide

When researchers explore why people do not have children, they find that the reasons are strikingly similar to reasons why people do have children. For example, “motivation to develop or maintain meaningful relationships” is a reason that some people have children — and a reason that others do not. Scholars are less certain on how people come to the decision to to be childfree. In their new article, Blackstone and Stewart find that, as is often the case with media portrayals of contemporary families, descriptions of how people come to the decision to be childfree have been oversimplified. People who are childfree put a significant amount of thought into the formation of their families, as they report.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Sonia Bragra Childfree choice

Aos 66 anos e retomando a paixão pela atuação, a atriz Sonia Braga falou à revista "Elle" de agosto sobre cinema, trabalho e a decisão de não ser mãe, com a qual ela precisa lidar até hoje.
"Há mulheres que, se não tiverem um filho, enlouquecem. Nunca senti essa necessidade", conta.